2492. Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities


You are given a positive integer n representing n cities numbered from 1 to n. You are also given a 2D array roads where roads[i] = [ai, bi, distancei] indicates that there is a bidirectional road between cities ai and bi with a distance equal to distancei. The cities graph is not necessarily connected.

The score of a path between two cities is defined as the minimum distance of a road in this path.

Return the minimum possible score of a path between cities 1 and n.


  • A path is a sequence of roads between two cities.

  • It is allowed for a path to contain the same road multiple times, and you can visit cities 1 and n multiple times along the path.

  • The test cases are generated such that there is at least one path between 1 and n.

Example 1:

Input: n = 4, roads = [[1,2,9],[2,3,6],[2,4,5],[1,4,7]]
Output: 5
Explanation: The path from city 1 to 4 with the minimum score is: 1 -> 2 -> 4. The score of this path is min(9,5) = 5.
It can be shown that no other path has less score.

Example 2:

Input: n = 4, roads = [[1,2,2],[1,3,4],[3,4,7]]
Output: 2
Explanation: The path from city 1 to 4 with the minimum score is: 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> 4. The score of this path is min(2,2,4,7) = 2.


  • 2 <= n <= 10^5

  • 1 <= roads.length <= 10^5

  • roads[i].length == 3

  • 1 <= ai, bi <= n

  • ai != bi

  • 1 <= distancei <= 10^4

  • There are no repeated edges.

  • There is at least one path between 1 and n.


使用 queue 來做 BFS

func minScore(n int, roads [][]int) int {
    adj := make([][][]int, n+1)
    for i:=0; i<=n; i++ {
        adj[i] = [][]int{}

    for _, road := range roads {
        adj[road[0]] = append(adj[road[0]], []int{ road[1], road[2] })
        adj[road[1]] = append(adj[road[1]], []int{ road[0], road[2] })

    ans := 100000000
    queue := make([][]int, 0)
    queue = append(queue, []int{1, 100000000})

    visited := make([]bool, n+1)
    visited[1] = true

    for len(queue) != 0 {
        ct := queue[0][0]
        queue = queue[1:]
        for _, a := range adj[ct] {
            ans = min(ans, a[1])
            if !visited[a[0]] {
                visited[a[0]] = true
                queue = append(queue, []int{ a[0], a[1]})

    return ans

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a < b { return a }
    return b


func minScore(n int, roads [][]int) int {
    group := make([]int, n+1)
    minpath := make([]int, n+1)

    var find func(int) int
    find = func(a int) int {
        if a == group[a] { return a }
        return find(group[a])

    var union func(int, int, int)
    union = func(a int, b int, dis int) {
        aroot := find(a)
        broot := find(b)

        if broot < aroot {
            group[broot] = aroot
            minpath[aroot] = min(dis, min(minpath[aroot], minpath[broot]))
        } else {
            group[aroot] = broot
            minpath[broot] = min(dis, min(minpath[broot], minpath[aroot]))

    for i:=0; i<=n; i++ {
        group[i] = i
        minpath[i] = 10000000

    for _, road := range roads {
        union(road[0], road[1], road[2])

    return minpath[find(n)]

func min(a, b int) int {
    if a < b { return a }
    return b

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